Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Party game idea: Humans vs Zombies

Okay, so I had an idea about a party game which goes something like this:


- a whole bunch of enthusiastic and active people

- water balloons or water guns

- a big area to play in

- two tokens (items to be collected by the humans)

- a stopwatch

The Teams:

Humans and Zombies

Postions of players + Map:

The humans are the black squares on the map, and the zombies are the grey squares.


The object of the game for the humans to capture both the 'tokens' (marked in yellow) on the outside of the circles, and make it back into the red circle with them within the time limit (15 minutes maybe)


The humans have to break through all 3 circles of defense to get to the tokens. Each circle will have a number of zombies who will try to stop the humans from escaping by disabling them.


The zombies must touch one of the human's limbs, which will be rendered useless for the rest of the game until:

1. touched by another human

2. the player reaches a token

3. kills all zombies within the immediate circle

For example, if a zombie manages to get close enough to the human to touch his right hand, the human no longer has use of it and now has to wield his weapon (water gun) with his left hand.

- If a leg is disabled, the player has to hop around on one foot.

- If both legs are disabled, the player has to ‘eliminate’ all zombies within that circle to regain use of his limbs.

- If both arms are disabled, the player can no longer wield his weapon and has to run to the token or another human to re-enable the use of his limbs

- If all limbs have been disabled, the human is out of the game

If a zombie has touched a player once, he must move out of the circle into the immediate outer circle i.e. from the red circle into the blue circle.

Zombies can only attack from their respective circles.

Red zombies are the first line of defense, which means they are the first zombies to play.

They will try to disable the humans, until the humans exit the red circle. Now it's the blue zombies turn to attack.

Note: Zombies will move from an inner circle to an outer circle when shot and 'eliminated' by a human with the water gun.

Outer circle zombies are prohibited from attacking a human who has not entered their territory yet i.e. blue zombies cannot attack the humans while they are in red territory.


limination of zombies:

The humans are armed with water guns which can be used to shoot the zombies if they get too close.

Once shot, the zombies move to the next circle of defense and await the human to enter that territory. For example, if a red zombie is shot, he moves to the blue circle and waits for the player to enter blue territory before he can attack.

Zombies can never be truly eliminated - they just move to another (outer) circle.

This means that the human has to try and escape a circle of defense by 'eliminating' as few zombies as possible, as they will just increase the number of zombies in the next circle of defense.

This means the water gun is a last-resort-only weapon. :)

The tokens:

Upon exiting the green and outermost circle, the player reaches a temporary safe zone where he regains the use of all his limbs and can reload his weapon. (Fill it up with water!)

The players have to then grab the token and try to break through the circles again to get back to their starting point.

The same rules apply to the zombies, except now when eliminated, they move to the inner circle.

Now, dodging the zombies and avoiding elimination becomes even more vital as the zombies will now move to an inner circle, where the playing field is much smaller and the humans are much more likely to be disabled.

Time limit:

15 minutes (varies according to number of players and the size of the playing field.)

This makes strategy important, as the players have to decide whether to team up and break through the zombies twice or split up and get the token on each side individually (which makes elimination of a human much more likely as the teammate will not be there to re-enable any lost limbs or defend a fallen partner.)

Note: The black CANNOT be crossed.

Victory for the humans:

Any surviving human manages to get both of the tokens back to the starting point within the time limit.

Victory for the zombies:

When both humans are completely disabled (both arms and both legs) or 15 minutes have elapsed without a human victory.



Congrats for making it all the way through! If you have any questions or spotted any faults please tell me and we'll discuss how to overcome it.

Also, please post any ideas you guys have so far! It's better to be ready early than to do a rush job. :)

I think this would qualify to be an exertion game as it involves lots of running and dodging. Also, please discuss whether water guns or water balloons would be a better idea. Or if you have any better ideas for weapons please say so.

See you guys next class. :D



Tata said...

Nice idea Steph..
U're great.. xD
"Exertion game:
Computer game that requires intense physical effort from its player.."

so.. its not yet a computer game..
so i think we should modify it so it become computer game..


snowbunnie said...

Oh true. @__@ But no screens involved so how can it be a computer game? Haha, I guess we can include technology to make it more interesting though I'm not sure how just yet.

Any ideas?

Tata said...

computer game not always with the screen..

hmm.. im thinking.. thinking..